Welcome to my personal knowledge management system. This is my digital garden, styled off Andy Matusch’s note taking style. These notes are written for me, however they may be useful to you. As such, they are raw and unstructured. The notes are meant to be wandered and there isn’t a definitive starting point. If you are interested in what I’m working on / thinking about at the moment, please check out top of mind. 🌿 Evergreen notes are another good place to start along with the tags page. If you are more interested in my longer form, more fleshed-out writing please checkout my blog.

As a V.P. of Engineering I am focused on being the best technical executive I can be. Therefore, technical knowledge, Leadership and technical people management are good jumping off points.

Outside of my career, I’m also interested in chess, reading, weight training, and woodworking.

🌿 Evergreen notes

Evergreen notes are those that are unlikely to change and capture a key idea.