Andy Matuschak is notable in his note taking style and has influenced many PKM adherents. Some have also referred to the practice of personal knowledge management as tending a digital garden. Here is a list of “digital gardners” and tooling for digital gardens.


Presently my PKM is made in Obsidian and published via Quartz


Jethro Kuan is the author of org-roam, a useful tool for maintaining a PKM in org-mode. Hugo Cisneros has a cool implementation of org-roam with a graph and search implemented in D3 and primitive JS search.

Org-roam can also be shared via quartz if you publish through ox-hugo first.

Since Andy’s note taking system is not public, several people within the Javascript community have attempted to recreate it using React and Gatsby, neither of these are up to date or maintained as of 2024: - gatsby-digital-garden - gatsby-theme-andy