obsidian local rest API doc


Obsidian / Zotero citation setup



Obsidian / Readwise Sync

If you are a user of both Obsidian and Readwise, particularly if you use Readwise Reader, the official Readwise plugin is helpful. Before syncing, I recommend tweaking the formatting options. The default setup places tags within the body of the note as links. This can be noisy in obsidian graph view. I recommend removing that section from the metadata and moving into the YAML front matter section as so:

id: {{ title }}
aliases: []
author: {{ author }} 
{% if document_tags -%}
tags: {% for tag in document_tags %}
  - {{tag}}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

1. Phelan, A. An Updated Academic Workflow: Zotero & Obsidian. Medium (2023).