obsidian local rest API doc

The breadcrumbs plugin introduces the idea of typed links between notes, these can occur in the front matter or in the text. Rather than just establishing a link between notes, you can then create a relationship (and inferred relationships) between notes. The plugin comes out of the box with “up/down” relationships for hierarchal notes and “previous/next” for sequential notes. Outside of that you can create what ever custom relationships you like. With the relationships established, you are provided a tool bar for navigating the relationships.

Typed links can be visualized with the Juggl plugin or as a side pane.


Obsidian / Zotero citation setup


Obsidian / Readwise Sync

If you are a user of both Obsidian and Readwise, particularly if you use Readwise Reader, the official Readwise plugin is helpful. Before syncing, I recommend tweaking the formatting options. The default setup places tags within the body of the note as links. This can be noisy in obsidian graph view. I recommend removing that section from the metadata and moving into the YAML front matter section as so:

id: {{ title }}
aliases: []
author: {{ author }} 
{% if document_tags -%}
tags: {% for tag in document_tags %}
  - {{tag}}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

1. Phelan, A. An Updated Academic Workflow: Zotero & Obsidian. https://medium.com/@alexandraphelan/an-updated-academic-workflow-zotero-obsidian-cffef080addd (2023).