âIdeasâ is certainly a rangy and diffuse topic, but this stub serves as a hub for common ideas/Mental Models/thoughts that resonate with me or I find useful for interpreting the world. To that end Interesting Mental Models and Axioms catalogs some of my favorites. The Favorite Quotes page are pithy encapsulation of favorite ideas.
- Apple Pie Position
- Black Swan Event
- Capabilities model for prioritization
- Chatham House Rule
- Collective Action Problem
- Company-Team-Self
- Crusonia Plant
- Location, vocation, relation
- Micro-pessimist, macro-optimist
- Monkeys and Pedestals
- Never letter a good crisis go to waste
- OODA Loop
- Picks and Shovels
- Pie Problem
- Schelling Point
- Songhurst Boring-Sexy Matrix
- Temporal discounting
- The Cost of Efficiency
- The Endowment Effect
- The principle of requisite variety
- Ulysses contracts
- Wealth Plus
- Wrong way risk