Micro-pessimist, macro-optimistBelief that things will get better overall, but we must look to improve within our local domain.
Pareto PrincipleThe Praeto principle argues that 80% of the outcomes comes from 20% of the causes.
Lindy EffectThe longer something has persisted, the more likely it is to persist
Goodhart’s LawWhen a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure
Schelling PointAn answer that people tend to choose by default without communicating with others.
Survivorship biasUndue focus on those who made it past a selection, while ignoring those who did not
Never letter a good crisis go to wasteWatch for opportunities and opportunists in a crisis
Parkinson’s LawWork expands or contracts to fill the time available to complete it
Monkeys and PedestalsMoonshot projects tend to focus on the banal rather than the hard and important
Adverse SelectionThose proposing a trade are likely to have more information than the proposal receiver
Brooks’s LawAdding manpower to a late software project makes it later
Picks and ShovelsLook for supporting, adjacent businesses to a boom or craze
Prospect TheoryPeople seek assured gains even when there are higher EV (but riskier) options. They seek to avoid losses.
Regression to the MeanSubsequent samplings after an extreme sample are likely to be closer to the mean.
Anchor and adjustment effectPeople anchor on an initial value and will make future judgements based on that
Go FeverThe pressure and enthusiasm experienced by a team to launch a project.
Apple Pie PositionBusiness statements that are often acceptable but lack value.
Collective Action ProblemWhen every individual acting in their own self interest leads to a negative outcome for the group
Black Swan EventWhen an unimaginable event comes to pass
Crusonia Planta hypothetical “free lunch” in economics