Avoid Task Switching Costs to maintain focus.

Habit Stacking Popping the stack

David MacIver argues that people don’t actually work as much as they claim, they may be present but they are likely not productive during whatever the expected social norm is1. This does depend on the type of work that you do and what is considered productive.

Touch it once rule

Originating in getting things done, the idea is that when you touch an item, you should take action on it2. If it is something that can be done in 5 minutes, do it. If not, take a step on it (create a meeting, create a TODO, file it somewhere where it will be accessed at the appropriate time).

Overcoming Task Paralysis

When you feel overwhelmed by your TODO list, the following techniques can help3:

  • For large activities, break them up into
  • Take action on the item that might make others lives easier
  • Pick the action that easiest or most rewarding and do that first, build momentum


1. MacIver, D. People don’t work as much as you think. https://drmaciver.substack.com/p/people-dont-work-as-much-as-you-think (2022).

2. Allen, D. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. (Penguin Books, London, 2002).

3. Smith, D. G. How to Save Yourself From ‘Task Paralysis’. The New York Times: Well (2022).