• Vision → North Star Doesn’t Change
  • Mission → Unique Approach to the market
  • Strategy → 1-2 Year initiatives worked by the company

12 questions for formulating the above1:

  • What is $COMPANY?
  • Why does $COMPANY exist?
  • If a person was successfully using $COMPANY, how would their life be better/different?
  • If a team/company was successfully using $COMPANY, how would their life be better/different?
  • What does success for $COMPANY look like in the next 2 years?
  • What does success for $COMPANY look like in the next 5 years?
  • What does success for $COMPANY look like in the next 10 years?
  • If you fast forward 2-3 years, what needs to have changed about $COMPANY as a product in order to be successful?
  • If you fast forward 2-3 years, what needs to have changed about $COMPANY as a company in order to be successful?
  • What are the biggest challenges that could prevent us from achieving success?
  • If we could only do three things, what would they be?
  • If you had to pick one measure of success for $COMPANY (other than revenue) would it be?

1. Hodges, M. How we developed our Vision, Mission, and Strategy. https://wrap-text.equals.com/p/developing-company-vision-mission-strategy (2024).