
<2017-09-07 Thu> Amsterdam

Check in Hotel Piet Hein

Vossiusstraat 52-53 Amsterdam 1071 AK NL +31206627205


Took a cab in, which was 40 euros, but definitely worth it, was able to find SIM card in the europe for 35 euros 4 GB.

Other stuff

  • Went for a run in Vondelpark which was cool, did two loops. Reminded me of central park in NYC.

<2017-09-08 Fri> Amsterdam

Went to the Van Gogh museum which was very cool because it was obviously filled with Van Gogh work and also walked you through the history of Van gogh himself.

<2017-09-09 Sat> Amsterdam

Changed plans today because the sun actually came out, took a canal tour into the central area and walked around the main part of amsterdamn. We ended up at the royal palace which had interesting sculptures and history. Found a herring place and ate herring which was much milder than I expected. Finished the rest of the touring with the second half of the canal tour.

<2017-09-12 Tue> Amsterdam

Went to the Rijksmuseum today which was definitely worth it. Very large museum, with Rembrant and Van gogh pieces. Personal favorite was the Night Watch by Rembrant which was a huge piece. Second half of the day we went to the heinkein experience, which was just ok. A bit boring and gimmicky, however we did get 2.5 pints out of it so it wasn’t all bad.

Zaandam and Volledum

<2017-09-10 Sun>

Stopped by the Amsterdam museum, which could be missed. Second half of the day we took a tour bus out to Zaandam where we got to see the windmills and a working mill. After that we went Volledum which was a seaside town, it was a bit nuts because there was a yearly carnival which was basically just a drunken shit show.


<2017-09-11 Mon>

Took the train down to Rotterdam from Amsterdam, was a bout 1 hr 15 mins, the town was much more mellow. Very cool architecture though, including the titled yellow houses and the “pencil” building. On the way back we stopped by The Hague, where we went to the royal portrait gallery. Small but interesting museum where we got to see girl with the pearl earring.