
<2017-09-03 Sun> Copenhagen

Arrive at 11:10 at Copenhagen

Check in Axel Gulsmeden

Helgolandsgade 11, Vesterbro, Copenhagen, 1653, Denmark Phone: +4533313266


Easy train ride from the airport (20 mins or so).

<2017-09-04 Mon> Copenhagen

Started the day with a canal ride through Copenhagen, got to see the major sites. After that we went to the high point in Copenhagen (church NAME). Ended the tourist day at Tivoli gardens which is the oldest amusement park. It reminded me of what an old World’s Fair type event might be. Strange mix of adult stuff like a casino and bars, and then the usual kids rides and such. Matt and I rode a six flag’s like roller coaster.

<2017-09-05 Tue> Copenhagen

Went to the arsenal museum which chronicled the history of the danish wars. Large collection of cannons and other armaments. There was an exhibit outside that had a F-35 (new fighter jet) that the danish military is buying from Lockheed? Went to the National Museum, which was interesting but a pretty standard museum. Danish history and natural history.

Went on a run around the 3-5 “lakes”. Nice and pretty run :D

<2017-09-06 Wed> Copenhagen

Food Tour with

- Food tour ,850 DKK (130 USD) Took a walking food tour which started at a indoor market where we tried several Danish foods. Next walked through the botanical gardens and ended up at a shop where we had a lunch of open face sandwiches. This was followed by a micro-brewery where we had a great beer tasting. Then we walked to an organic hot dog stand. Finally we ended at a candy store that had been open since the late 1800s.

Had dinner in the meat packing district which is a nice restaurant/ bar district.