China is working to develop asymmetrical means to deter U.S. military power1. Through the usage of Assasin’s Mace Weapons and traditional military platforms, in a conflict, the Chinese would seek to stymie American military power at several key points2:

  1. Overwhelming attacks on local bases that Americans would use to stage operations
  2. Negate aircraft via long-range detection and powerful anti-aircraft installations
  3. Specific weapons (missiles) used to destroy or keep away strategically important air craft carriers
  4. Counter-intelligence weapons (e.g. satellite missiles) used to disrupt American spying capability and logistics via GPS

1. Allison, G., Blackwill, R. D., Wyne, A. & Kissinger, H. A. Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States, and the World. (The MIT Press, 2013).

2. Brose, C. The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare. (Hachette Books, New York, 2020).