Cedric Chin proposes a hierarchy for non fiction books1:

Trunk Non-Fiction BookA framework of ideasThinking, Fast and Slow , Principles, High Output Management
Branch Non-Fiction BookSingle idea booksAntifragile, Radical Candor
Narrative Non-Fiction Bookbiographies, memories, history

Others have promoted a similar hierarchy with trees, often attributed to Elon Musk2,3:

TrunkA general knowledge base and 30k foot view of the subjectLessons of History and Sapiens
Branch Non-Fiction BookA deeper dive, perhaps covering a specific period/Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War /
Leaf Non-Fiction bookFiner Level of detail, single individual or ideaGrant , Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

These frameworks are similar, but I lean towards Cedric’s as the carve out for narrative seems appropriate. The commonality, is the acknowledgment of single-idea books (Branch and Leaf in each model). This rings true to me, particularly the observation that the books can be skimmed and the make up a bulk of non fiction.

1. Chin, C. The three kinds of non-fiction books. https://commoncog.com/the-3-kinds-of-non-fiction-book/ (2018).

2. Nobbs, J. Having a Reading Theme. https://www.jeffnobbs.com/posts/having-a-reading-theme (2020).

3. Wieckowski, A. Tree / Branch/ Leaf Thread. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1346594090167791621.html (2022).