Smoked Slamon
Smoked Salmon Dry Rub
- 1 cup Mortons kosher salt (if you use Diamond Crystal, you will have
to use more as it has larger grains)
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
- 2 teaspoon ground ginger (I prefer to grind this myself in my mortar
and pestle from cracked ginger)
- 1-2 teaspoons ground white pepper
- ½ teaspoon pulverized bay leaf
<2022-02-21 Mon>
- 3 lbs skinless filtets, very thick (2â) at the thickest part
- Cure 7 hours, rinsed
- Rinsed and Seasoned with Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Black Pepper
- Rested over night
- Pulled out of fridge and brought to room temp
- Shine coat with olive oil spray
- Smoked for ~4 hours, final temp was 162. May have over-cooked it since
some of the thinner pieces were tougher/drier
Finished salmon 2022-02-21
<2023-07-03 Mon>
- Thinner sockeye filets, maybe an inch at thickest.
- Cure 6 hours, should consider less time, or breaking cure time up by
- Rinsed and Seasoned with Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Black Pepper
- Rested over night
- Pulled out of fridge and brought to room temp