As the new hire

Onboarding to a new codebase

Look from macro-to-micro1:

Purpose: understand conceptually what the system or framework does Architecture: understand overall architecture or the system Components: learn how the constituent parts integrate Code: deep dive by debugging significant flows through the code base

Succeding in a New Role

Aside from specific points about starting a new technical management job, more generarlly:


Our research points to one overlooked prerequisite for transition success: the effective use of internal networks. The people who are the most productive, innovative, and engaged in new roles—the “fast movers”—are those who establish extremely broad, mutually beneficial, uplifting connections from the start. Specifically, they surge rapidly into a broad network; generate pull; identify how they add value, where they fall short, and who can fill the gaps; create scale; and shape their networks for maximum thriving.

  • Failures in talent (due to a bad fit) have knock on effects on other employees
  • This article2 again makes the point that an individuals network effects (ability to work with others) has more value than the work they do alone, similar point made in3.
  • Modify your approach and methodology to align better with the network

Forming a network

  • Meet broadly across groups, try to understand people’s role and concerns. Solicit opinions widely on your problem space.
  • Ask for the names of other people you should meet with
    • Specifically people in business units who were well-connected, were frequently tapped for help, or seemed to make a real impact in meetings
  • Deputies of important leaders are good people to know so they can understand motivations and problemsets of leaders

1. Skipper, A. Who do I delegate to? A CTO’s guide to developing leaders. (2020).

2. Cross, R., Pryor, G. & Sylvester, D. How to Succeed Quickly in a New Role. Harvard Business Review (2021).

3. Cutler, J. Your Calendar = Your Priorities. (2021).