• Four levels of abstraction for financial crime1:
    • Long Firm - borrowing money and not paying it back or buying goods and not paying for them

    • Counterfeiting - abusing the trust in ways ownership and value are verified by creating false documents

    • Control fraud - when operators/managers extract value on the basis of fictious profits or unreal assets. This occurs as operation is separated from providing capital

    • Market Crimes - for example cartels or insider dealing ring. The victim is the market itself rather than a given individual

      A long firm makes you question whether you can trust anyone. A counterfeit makes you question the evidence of your eyes. A control fraud makes you question your trust in the institutions of society, and a market crime makes you question society itself. Since it’s impossible to run a modern economy without all four levels of trust, fraud is an insidious crime1.

1. Davies, D. Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of Our World. (Profile Books, 2019).