Favor decisive and concise communication. Focusing on your writing allows you the space to edit and analyze your communication generally1. This prepares you for synchronous communication.

Be definite: “This plan is good” not “I think this is a good plan”.

When caught off guard in the meeting, it is acceptable to demur assuming you couch it in the correct shibboleths. “Excellent idea … I’m going to take it as an action item … and get back to you by X”

Ways to practice/improve

  • Peer/manager feedback
  • Recording yourself
  • Copy what those around you do well
  • Prep for meetings
  • Avoid the passive voice
  • Avoid intonations that leave questions about certainty
  • Avoid “working out the issue” in executive settings. This may be appropriate for peer and report level meetings, but executives will expect certainty and next actions