Favor decisive and concise communication. Focusing on your writing allows you the space to edit and analyze your communication generally1. This prepares you for synchronous communication.

Be definite: “This plan is good” not “I think this is a good plan”.

When caught off guard in the meeting, it is acceptable to demur assuming you couch it in the correct shibboleths. “Excellent idea … I’m going to take it as an action item … and get back to you by X”

Ways to practice/improve

  • Peer/manager feedback
  • Recording yourself
  • Copy what those around you do well
  • Prep for meetings
  • Avoid the passive voice
  • Avoid intonations that leave questions about certainty
  • Avoid “working out the issue” in executive settings. This may be appropriate for peer and report level meetings, but executives will expect certainty and next actions

1. Jade Rubick. Coordination models - tools for getting groups to work well together. https://www.rubick.com/coordination-models/ (2021).