A carbon market establishes a methodology. The methodology determines project boundaries, baselines, quantifies carbon flow, and quantifies overall GHG reduction. Each methodology has it’s own bureaucracy for getting certified1.

While no methodology exists for quantifying bamboo carbon reduction, INBAR recommends using forest carbon methodologies1.

MethodologyShort DescriptionORG
CDM AR-ACM 003Large scale Afforestation - ReforestationUN
CDM AR-AMS 007Small scale Afforestation - ReforestationUN
VCS VM 005Conversion of low productive forrestVerra
VCS 007 REDD+Avoided deforestationVerra

INBAR notes that for trading, China has certified bamboo under Chinese Certified Emission Reduction Scheme1.

1. King, C., Lugt, P. van der, Yanxia, L. & Long, T. T. Integration of Bamboo Forestry into Carbon Markets. 13 https://www.inbar.int/resources/inbar_publications/integration-of-bamboo-forestry-into-carbon-markets/ (2021).