When building a new team, do not create an empty team. Instead grow an existing team to a larger size and then bud the two teams off1. Build diverse teams, in terms of structure and seniority. Ideally you would want a team of Juniors and Mids, with 1-2 seniors playing an advisory. Treat work as an ability to challenge and grow a team. Do not just shunt hard problems to senior / experienced individuals.

While crafting a team, Rockstars and Teamwork. Be wary of splitting people across projects / teams, the switching costs and project overhead of multiple projects will result in less aggregate work being delivered2.

Team Sizing

  1. Compensating for different sized teams

    • Too small (e.g. three engineers) teams are less resilient and under utilize leadership talent. Consider having a first time manager lead this team or have an experienced lead multiple smaller teams3.
    • Too large (e.g. twelve engineers). Engineering leadership time will be pressed, they will likely have to make a decision between focusing on goals vs. focusing on team development. The team may or may not be more resilient, depending on if there is a key person risk3.

1. Larson, W. An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management. (Stripe Press, 2019).

2. Northrop, B. The Fallacy of Splitting Time. https://www.bennorthrop.com/Essays/2022/fallacy-of-splitting-time.php (2022).

3. Kolyaskin, K. First rule of the team: size. https://medium.com/@kolyaskink/first-rule-of-the-team-size-94cdad8bc79e (2022).